Healthy Happy Hour

Connect with members of our awesome Procezza community in a very fun way

If you surround yourself with like-minded positive people, you already have half of your ultimate happiness in your hands.

And to be honest... our Procezza community is made up of the most amazing people. That's why we organize a fun and low-threshold live meeting 9 times a year in collaboration with SportCity in Den Bosch.

"The Healthy Happy Hour"

We connect with each other while enjoying a healthy snack, drink, and an activity.

Gezonde VrijMiBo Procezza
Logo's Procezza en Sportcity

Every Healthy Happy Hour has a diffrent theme

Save the following dates in your agenda:

  • Procezza P

    26-1-2024: Table tennis tournament organized by Anne

  • Procezza P

    23-2-2024: Boxing lesson by Kevin

  • Procezza P

    22-3-2024: Yoga lesson

  • Procezza P

    CANCELLED - 26-4-2024: Small grouples by Robin

  • Procezza P

    24-5-2024: Kevin Boxing lesson

  • Procezza P

    CANCELLED - 28-6-2024: Ping Pong tournament

  • Procezza P

    27-9-2024: Activiteit wordt nog bekend gemaakt

  • Procezza P

    25-10-2024: The activity will be announced later

  • Procezza P

    29-11-2024: The activity will be announced later

Together you grow faster

Join Us

These Procezza community meetings are open to everyone. So both for Procezza members and non-Procezza members.

The Healthy Happy Hour takes place from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at SportCity in Den Bosch. Address: Brederostraat 1.


Orthenstraat 15
5211 SV 's-Hertogenbosch

© 2021-2025 Procezza